Greenbank Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 7328 people living in Greenbank. 50.6% are male and 49.4% are female. Greenbank has a population of 146 indigenous people.

Greenbank Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females721.0%
Indigenous Males741.0%
Indigenous Population1462.0%
Females born in Australia271037.0%
Males born in Australia279038.1%
People born in Australia550075.1%
Female Population362249.4%
Male Population370650.6%
Total Population7328100%

Greenbank (QLD) Population Pyramid

Greenbank Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42513.4%2443.3%4956.8%
5 - 146268.5%6228.5%124817.0%
15 - 192883.9%2553.5%5437.4%
20 - 241982.7%1722.3%3705.0%
25 - 343645.0%4065.5%77010.5%
35 - 446278.6%6589.0%128517.5%
45 - 545908.1%5497.5%113915.5%
55 - 644576.2%4526.2%90912.4%
65 - 742183.0%1832.5%4015.5%
75 - 84751.0%600.8%1351.8%